
20 Deadly Reasons to Never Drink Coca Cola or Any Other Soda Ever Again

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


According to the director of Inflammatory Risk Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania, there is a connection between caramel-containing products and vascular problems.

7. Soda is high in calories


Basically, a 20 ounce Coca Cola can contains 17 teaspoons of sugar, which means 240 calories. A big load of empty calories without any tiny nutritional value.

8. Caffeine in soda blocks magnesium absorption


Magnesium is crucial for over 325 enzyme reactions in a human’s body, and as it helps in your body’s detoxification processes, it is really important to minimize damage environmental chamicals, such as heavy metals and other toxins.

9. Soda increases obesity risk in children


Any sugary drink consumed in a day increases the risk of a child to become obese by almost 60%. Not only obesity, soda is linked to other serious health problems and is the last thing to give someone in their childhood.

10. Soda increases heart disease in men


Every one soda consumed per day is likely to promote the risk of heart disease by 20% particularly in men.

11. The acid in soda ruins dental enamel


Lab tests on the acidity of soda reveals that the soda has enough amount of acid to wear away dental enamel. The pH levels found in a soda can get as low as 2.5, while for example, water has a pH of 7.0.

12. Soda contains artificial sweeteners


A lot of people opt for artificial sugar to lower their caloric intake, however, it’s not so sweet for their health. Artificial sugars are linked to so many serious illnesses and diseases, including cancer.

13. Soda drains your mineral levels


Following a study of a thousand men and women, Tufts University researchers have found that women who consumed 3 or more cola-based sodas per day, had nearly 4% lower bone mineral density in their hips, noting that researchers controlled their calcium and vitamin D intake.

14. Soda changes your metabolism


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