
20 Deadly Reasons to Never Drink Coca Cola or Any Other Soda Ever Again

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The average person in the US consumes over 126 grams of sugar a day, equal to drinking a bit over three 12 ounce colas, according to Euromonitor.

It’s not okay to drink soda every day, even if you exercice and burn off the calories. Regular consumption of soda is directly linked to so many health problems, and multiple studies have shown the terrible health effects.

Let’s take a look at the reasons why you will never put
soda near your mouth again :

1. Soda can cause kidney failure


Soda can cause a decline in kidney function. According to a Harvard Medical School study, diet cola is related to a two-fold increased risk for kidney failure. This study took 11 years and included 3,318 women.

2. Soda raises diabetes risk


The high levels of sugar in soda put on plenty of stress on your pancreas, which make it unable to keep up with your body’s need for insulin. To drink one or two sugary drinks per day will increase your risk fot type 2 diabetes by 25%.

3. Soda cans are lined with BPA


BPA is the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A, which has been connected with every health problem, from heart disease to obesity to reproductive troubles. Soda cans are basically coated with BPA.

4. Soda dehydrates you


Soda has caffeine, and caffeine is a diuretic. Diuretics increase the production of urine, making you urinate more frequently. When your body’s cells become dehydrated, they can’t preperly absorb nutrients and it makes it harder for your body to eliminate waste.

5. Caramel coloring in soda promotes cancer


The caramel coloring in colas is not actually made from caramelized sugar, it is a chemical process made by reacting sugars with sulfites and ammonia exposed to high temperature and pressure.

This process results in the formation of some elements that cause liver, lung, or thyroid cancer.

6. Caramel coloring in soda promotes vascular issues


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