
14 Foods To Keep Away From The Fridge!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If you think that any food can last longer if stored in the fridge, think again. In fact, certain foods will lose their taste, nutrients and texture very quickly at low temperatures. Sometimes you can’t see it, but those foods can even become harmful.

Check out our list of foods you should never store in the fridge :

1. Avocados


When you put avocados in the fridge, especially if they’re unripened, they quickly begin to absorb moisture through the skin and become unpleasantly soft. It is best to keep avocados in a fruit bowl, at room temperature.

2. Potatoes


When potatoes are kept at a low temperature, below 44°F (7°C), they lose their natural taste and become unpleasantly sweet. The best thing is to keep them in a paper bag, in a dry cool place around your kitchen.

3. Chocolate


Chocolate shouldn’t be stored in the fridge, because when it’s exposed to cold temperatures, its crystals of sucrose come out on the surface and form an unpleasant white bloom. Resulting in loss of its original flavor.

4. Tropical fruits


Putting tropical fruits in the fridge is a really bad idea. These fruits cannot handle low temperatures, they will quickly go rotten and even become harmful. The best way to store tropical fruits, is to wrap them in many layers of paper, and put them in a dark dry place.

5. Basil


Basil should stay far away from your fridge. This plant will quickly wilt and absorb all its surrounding smells, which will make it look, taste and smell bad. The best place to keep basil is in a cup of water, just like you do with flowers.

6. Green beans


Keeping green beans in the fridge will eventually result in losing their useful and healthy properties. They are better off in a regular bowl or on a paper bag. However, fresh green beans can be frozen, so you can enjoy them all year.

7. Onions


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