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12 Unhealthy Fish You Need to Avoid and Why

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Even Animals living in the deepest places on Earth have been found contaminated, confirming fears that manmade industrial contaminants have affected the most remote and inaccessible places on the planet.

Therefore fish can either serve as a power food and a boost of protein or an absolute inflammatory, toxic nightmare for your body. It’s all about the choices you make. That why it’s very important to pay attention to the fish you allow in your stomach.

12 Unhealthy Fish You Need to Avoid and Why©

Here is a list of the top 12 fish you should definitely avoid eating no matter what! Move through the following pages to learn more

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#1 – Imported catfish

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Imported catfish Trillionairescode

If you are thinking that what you enjoy eating in your dish is a Swai and Basa catfish, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not. It is rather a fish called pangasius.

So it’s good to know that the two varieties of catfish imported and sold nationwide aren’t considered catfish by the federal government. Therefore, they don’t even undergo the same inspection rules as other imported fish.

Moreover, about 90 percent of the catfish sold in the U.S is actually imported from Vietnam. The latter country is known for using a broad range of antibiotics, pesticides, and disinfectants that are completely prohibited in the U.S.

What can you eat instead? Marianne Cufone who is a director of the Fish Program at Food & Water Watch advises people to opt for domestic and farm-raised catfish as they are the best fish you can ever eat. She adds that you can also try more of the Asian carp which taste like catfish.

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#2 – Caviar

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Caviar Annonces France

According to the Food and Water Watch report, the most interesting and valuable fish in the world, namely beluga and wild-caught sturgeon, are highly vulnerable to extinction due to overfishing.

Also, the increase in dam building that contaminates the water in which they live endangers their existence. As a consequence, the production of egg fish, aka caviar, is susceptible if not protected.
Another important point to mention is that all forms of caviar coming from fish that take quite a good time to mature means that it also takes a while for populations to be rebounded.


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