
10 Anti-ageing Foods To Look 10 Years Younger

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Everyone wants to look forever young and have the longest life possible. But in reality, it’s our genetic inheritance and also our diet that play part in helping to increase a human’s lifespan and keep youthful beautiful skin longer.


Include these 10 anti-aging foods in your diet, so that it
will keep your skin at its best


10. Avocado


You may think that avocado makes you gain weight due to its high fat content, while actually, those fats are very healthy. One avocado a day can reduce cholesterol levels and support the process of skin regeneration, as well as it supplies your body with antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C.

9. Berries


Berries, including strawberries, black berries, blueberries, grapes… are loaded with antioxidants that prevent or delay some types of cell damages, as well as they can decrease pain and joint swelling. The small fruits also improve cognitive abilities and help prevent Alzheimer’s and urinary diseases.

8. Carrots


The beta-carotene in this vegetable is substance that the human body converts to vitamin A, and is known to help the retina and other part of the eye to function smoothly.

Eating carrots will protect your skin from photo-aging, which is the premature skin wrinkling caused by exposure to UV rays. Carrot tip : Do not overcook carrots in order to keep all the essential nutrients and vitamins.

7. Citrus fruits


Citrus fruits are the main source of vitamin C and folic acid, and can help lower levels of cholesterol and uric acid in your blood. If consumed on a regular basis, these fruits will help you prevent heart conditions, circulatory problems and other diseases.

Drinking lemon juice first thing in the morning will clean your colon and detoxify your body, as its nutrients will all be absorbed and will make you feel fresh and healthy.

6. Garlic


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