
10 Signs of Kidney Damage You Need to Watch Out For

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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When the pain is accompanied by frequent urinating, fever, vomiting, and a general feeling of sickness, unlike the case of normal back pain. If the pain won’t go away and painkillers are ineffective, visit your doctor soon.

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#3 – Puffy eyes

Puffy eyes© Pinterest

The onset of protein in the urine can result in eye puffiness. This is an early sign that the filter system of your kidneys is damaged, leaking so much protein into urine instead of preserving and using it inside the body.

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If the eye puffiness is persistent even though you have enough protein and sleep, make sure to visit a doctor.

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#2 – High blood pressure

High blood pressure© Pinterest

There is a solid relationship between your kidneys and circulatory system. The kidneys contain small nephrons that serve as filters to keep the blood clean. When the blood vessels are damaged, those don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients.

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This is the reason why high blood pressure is one of the primary causes of kidney failure. To avoid kidney failure, you should learn to manage your high blood pressure, for example, by eating foods high in folic acid.

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#1 – Changes in urination

Changes in urination© Depositphotos

Healthy urine means healthy kidneys. So, you should never ignore any changes in color, odor, and frequency of urine. Some of the most common types of urine changes are:

– Foamy urine: bubbly urine indicates the presence of too much protein in it, especially if it requires multiples flushes to go away.

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– Blood in urine: when the kidneys’ filter is damaged, the blood cells may leak out into the urine.

– Increased urination: visiting the toilet more frequently, especially at night, is not a good sign at all. Normally, 4 to 10 times a day is good.

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