
10 of The Most Harmful Health Habits You Need to Break Now

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


#9 – Being A Couch Potato


Being A Couch Potato© The Sun

Another bad habit you need to stop doing now is sitting for prolonged hours in front of the television. This bad habit will turn you into a couch potato. You will become a lazy and a passive person who might develop several health problems, including obesity and type 2 diabetes.

One study exposes that people who watch TV for more than 2 hours eat more than those who watch less. According to the same study, more than 9,000 participants were found to snack on high-fat and high-calorie foods while watching TV.

To stop this bad habit, you can replace it with meaningful activities such as going out for a walk with friends, spend more time outdoors exercising on the fresh air, spend time doing an old hobby and so on and so forth!

We are not saying you shouldn’t watch TV at all, but what we are saying is to practice moderation and make your life more active and busy! Create a certain balance in your life. Divide your time wisely and be ready to welcome a better version of you!

So, instead of spending all your days next to that useless screen, go out, socialize with people, do sport and increase your self-confidence!

How To Reverse this bad Habit:

– Always Follow the 2/30 rule: This rule is about spending less than 2 hours in front of the television and exercising at least 30 minutes every single day!

– Don’t channel surf: This means that you shouldn’t turn Tv and keep hopping from one channel into another for no reason. If you have something interesting and specific to watch turn that tv on, if not then you’d better do something healthy.

– Exercise while you are actually watching : We don’t mean by exercising the heavy workout but the sit-ups, pushups, and if you have a treadmill bring to the room. It’s even better!

– Don’t stay home the whole day instead of going out a lot, meet your friends and do more of the interesting things.


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