
10 Foods that Make You Have More Gas

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Everyone gets gas from time to time. It is mainly caused by swallowing air and the breaking down of food in your digestive tract. Which usually results in passing gas, burping, or feeling bloated.

Most people pass gas at least 14 times a day, on average. Some people can have more gas than others, which might be embarrassing or uncomfortable. However, the gas itself is not alarming.

If you’re feeling bloated and experiencing plenty of gas, making some changes to your diet can be very helpful.

#10 – Beans


Beans are probably at the top of the list of gas causing foods. They contain plenty of raffinose, a complex sugar that the body has difficulty digesting. This complex sugar goes through the small intestines into the large intestines where it’s broken down by bacteria, producing carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane gas.

You can reduce gas without cutting out beans, by soaking the overnight or using the over-the-counter product ‘Beano’ that was found to effectively reduce gas for some people.

#9 – Dairy products


Milk, as well as most dairy products (cheese, ice cream), contain lactose, a sugar naturally found in milk. People who don’t produce the needed amount of the enzyme lactase have trouble digesting lactose, which is called lactose intolerance.

If you doubt yourself to be lactose intolerant, you may minimize your symptoms by consuming nondairy alternatives such as soy “dairy” products or almond milk.

#8 – Whole grains


Whole grains, such as oats and wheat consist of fiber, starch, and raffinose. All of these elements are broken down by bacteria in the large intestine, which results in producing gas.
Actually, the only grain that does not cause gas is rice.

#7 – Vegetables


Myths suchCertain veggies are known to cause excess gas, notably cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus.

These, however, are super healthy foods, so you may want to consider talking to your doctor before removing them from your diet.

#6 – Sodas


Sodas along with other carbonated drinks can significantly increase the amount of air you swallow!

When air gets into the digestive tract, it can’t stay there and has to escape somehow. This is the source of burping as well as increasing the amount of gas you pass.

The best thing is to try to switch to tea, juice, or water (without carbonation) to help reduce gas.

#5 – Fruits


Fruits like peaches, apples, prunes, and pears consist of sorbitol, the natural sugar alcohol, which the body has difficulty digesting. Many other fruits also contain soluble fiber, which is a kind of fiber that dissolves in water.

Soluble fiber and sorbitol also have to pass through the large intestines where they’re broken down by bacteria, creating carbon dioxide, methane gas, and hydrogen.

#4 – Hard candy


The same as carbonated drinks, sucking on hard candy can make you swallow additional air. Various candies also contain sorbitol as a sweetener. These two aspects can lead to extra gas.

#3 – Onions


Onions consist of fructose, a natural sugar.

The same as sorbitol and raffinose, fructose also contributes to causing gas when it’s broken down in the intestines by bacteria.

#2 – Chewing Gum


Gum is not really a source for gas, but chewing it is since it can cause you to swallow extra air.

Several sugar-free gums are also sweetened with sugar alcohols which are difficult to digest, such as xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol.

In case you burp a lot, it’s recommended that you stop chewing gum to lessen gas.

#1 – Processed Foods


Processed foods are packaged foods like cereal, bread, salad dressing, and snack foods.
These consist of a variety of ingredients, including lactose and fructose. This mixture can lead to higher gas levels.


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