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10 Fantastic Natural Herbs that Will Ease Your Back Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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7. Cramp Bark

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Cramp Bark© My Healthy Homemade Life

Cramp bark is used to ease cramps and has always been used as a natural herbal remedy for pain. In fact, cramp bark tea is particularly known for its ability to relax muscles.

While pharmaceutical pain relievers may cause serious side effects, cramp bark is a safer and natural alternative that is effective and far less expensive. Given the various health benefits of cramp bark, it’s a good herb to keep in your medicine cabinet.

To use this herb, simply add one teaspoon of cramp bark to one cup of hot boiling water, let steep for about 10 minutes, and drink.

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8. Alpha-lipoic Acid

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Alpha-lipoic Acid© Onnit

Alpha-lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant ingredient that has been proven to help relieve some types of chronic lower back pain without causing any unwanted side effects.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, alpha-lipoic acid can be quite beneficial in treating back pain caused by nerve damage.

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9. Mint

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Mint© Serious Eats / / Eat This, Not That!

Mint contains one of the highest antioxidant powers of any other herbal remedy. Brazilian mint, in particular, has been found to be as good for pain relief as taking an aspirin, but only when consumed as a tea.

When you were a kid, your mother used to rub a topical cough suppressant on your chest. If you remember this, then you’re familiar with the warm sensation that comes along. In fact, mint oils can offer a similar soothing relief when applied topically to the back.

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10. Cannabis

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Regardless of the US government’s attempts to outlaw Cannabis since the 30s, medical marijuana remained legal for medicinal purposes, well, just until the 70s, when the wide use of this herb resulted in a complete ban.


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