
10 Early Warnings of Alzheimer’s Disease You Need to Know

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

It could be an early warning of Alzheimer’s if you have difficulty identifying common smells… This is the surprising discovery of a recent study from McGill University in Montreal. Researchers looked at whether a smell test could detect a person’s Alzheimer’s risk.

The study included 300 participants with a family history of dementia. All of them were given sniff patches of common scents such as lemon, bubble gum, and gasoline. They also had spinal fluid tests for traces of Alzheimer’s.

The result was that people who had difficulty identifying the common smells had the most biological symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was published in the journal Neurology and other health pages.

Researchers hope to progress into making a scent test that can serve as an early clinical diagnosis. But until the test is available, how can you tell the difference between Alzheimer’s and normal memory lapses? Here are 10 early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

10 Early Warnings of Alzheimer’s Disease You Need to Know©



#1 – Memory Loss that Disrupts Daily Life


Memory Loss that Disrupts Daily

Memory loss includes asking for the same piece of information over and over, or a sudden need to rely on memory aids such as reminder notes. Memory issues can be an early sign of dementia.

I most cases, alterations are often acute and mainly associate with short-term memory. For instance, an older individual might remember events that happened place years ago clearly but completely forget what they ate in the morning.

Other signs of short-term memory alterations include struggling to remember why they went into a specific room, where they left things or what they were supposed to do in general.

It’s not Alzheimer’s when you forget appointments or names but remember them later.


#2 – A New Inability to Solve Problems
with Numbers


A New Inability to Solve Problems with NumbersLe Parisien

Individuals experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may have issues following a recipe that they know well, especially if it contains numbers. Or they may suddenly be unable to keep track of their monthly bills or manage payments or anything that has numbers on it.


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