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This Is The Most Effective Workout For Lower Back Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


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#2 – Position 2

Position 2© Brightside

Lay on your back with your legs flat, take a deep breath, and then:

1. Raise the affected leg until it is 90° with the floor, then bend your knee.

2. Put the hand of the same side on the bent knee.

3. Hold your ankle with the other hand.

4. When you feel the muscle stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds.

5. Spread your legs back on the floor, and then do the same exercise with the other leg.


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#3 – Position 3


Position 3© Brightside

Stay in the same position with your legs flat and back on the floor:

1. Raise the leg that hurts above the other one.

2. Place the foot outside the other knee.

3. Take the opposite hand and put it on your knee.

4. Start to pull towards your chest, slowly.

5. Hold the position for 30 seconds when you feel the muscle stretch.

6. Replicate the same routine with the other leg.


#4 – Position 4


Position 4© Brightside

Again, lay on the floor with the back and feet flat. Don’t forget to breathe deeply:

1. Raise both legs and cross them (the affected one must be on top)

2. Grab both of your legs and slowly pull the knee of the affected leg towards the shoulder of the same side.

3. Hold for 30 seconds when you feel the muscle stretch.

4. Now switch legs and repeat.



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