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11 Best Easy Exercises to Ease Knee Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If your knees ache, exercise is your best medicine. There are multiple very useful exercises to help stabilize the joint and reduce the pain, as well as strengthen the ligaments and muscles supporting knee joints and lower chances of injury.

To truly benefit from these exercises, it is important to follow the instructions and techniques correctly.

Here are 11 exercises for anyone with bad knees :

#1 – Warm Ups


It is necessary to properly warm up before any exercise, and it’s even more important if you have bad knees. When you warm up before exercise, you improve your blood to that area which reduces muscle stiffness, making exercise easy and minimizing chances of muscle sprains or injury.

Before starting your knee exercises, make sure to warm up by doing some static stretches or brisk walking for about 20 minutes, in order to prepare your knees and you body for more arduous exercise routines.

#2 – Swimming


This is among the best exercises for people with bad knees. When you are swimming, the gravity’s impact is out of the equation giving you lesser chances of damage to your painful joint.

In the pool, you can do a few laps to strengthen your knees. Actually all swimming styles are beneficial for knees, but it is possible that a certain style can hurt your knees, so that must be avoided. An average of 20 minutes of swimming should be enough.

#3 – Cycling


When you are cycling, your are using your hamstrings and calve muscles. Cycling helps to stable the knees and put very less strain on the joints, as it’s also a very effective way to lose weight. In case you have recently had knee joint surgery, you must take things very slowly.

Don’t start cycling until you get clearance from your physiotherapist. It’s best for you to cycle on a flat surface or do your cycling exercises in the gym, and avoid steep or hilly areas in order to protect your knees from injury.

#4 – Walking


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