
10 Easy Exercises For A Perfectly Toned And Attractive Body

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Buttocks© BrightSide

Difficulty level3: This might be a bit hard to do but that’s fine! Just think about how great your body will look at the end and you will certainly find the motivation to do it! Squat very low and then 1,2,3 Jump! You can use your arms to make it easier for you!

The recommended set starts from 3 to 5 while repetitions are supposed to be 15 to 20 squats.


#3 – Arms


Arms© BrightSide

Difficulty level1: Either you buy a horizontal bar or be creative and DIY one at home using the things you have. What matters here is to do the exercise perfectly. Remember that the higher is the bar, the harder the exercise will be. Try to do 3 to 5 sets and 10 pull-ups for each.

Arms© BrightSide

Difficulty level 2: Side plank is a magical exercise that can do wonders for your muscles, abs, and legs. So, make sure you do it right! While doing this exercise, try to keep one knee bent as it is displayed in the picture and one arm up on the air for at least 1 minute of time.


#4 – LEGS


LEGS© BrightSide

Difficulty level1: before diving into hard exercises, you should warm up your legs first. And the best way to do it is by doing leg swings. Once, you feel ready, you can move to the next step and squat on only one leg while keeping the other in a straight position. This exercise will give you great hips, so try to do 3-5 sets and repeat for 20 minutes.

LEGS© BrightSide

Difficulty level1: It’s easy, you just need to put your both palms on the floor and then start doing leg swings with a repetition of 20 for each leg.

LEGS© BrightSide

Difficulty level 2: While doing this exercise, you should be very cautious and careful with your back. So, take your time and don’t do random movements that shall cause you potential injuries.


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